The Jazz Chord Base Book-Version (112 p. Paperback or PDF Download) works best for people who like to learn at their music stand or together with a teacher.
Features of the book:
Online Access to many Audiofiles. The exercises are played first and then followed by 2-3 choruses for you to play along. Check this example:
On the webpage you can download all exercises in iRealPro-Format. If you own the App iRealPro then you can practise in your own tempo
60 Exercises, in order of the different chord types and themes of the course
Theoretical Background-Knowledge
The chords are always accompained by a foto of the players right hand.
Each section features a table with a graphic table of all the learned chords
read funny Anecdotes from the life of a musician
Order the Book now or enroll for the Online Course!
The Jazz Chord Base
Paperback or PDF, 112 pages with access to the download area for the audio files.
The Jazz Chord Base
Online Course with many videos and download of the leadsheets for the exercises.
click here to go to the online course on ultimate-guitar.com
click here to go to the online course on udemy.com